Mobility Market Research - GIM Move™

How will we travel in the near future and beyond? What will people’s mobility behavior be like in global metropolises, medium-sized cities, but also in rural areas? How will digitalization and automation influence mobility? And is car sharing just a hype or the future of mobility?

There is no doubt that mobility is undergoing change. The only question is, how fast and in what direction? Because this change is occurring somewhere in-between very concrete customer needs, regulatory policy measures and the increasing competition between old and new players in the mobility market. From Tokyo to London and Cologne, people’s mobility behavior is still relatively traditional and stable. It is part of our cultural socialization, and changes happen very slowly. Yet, at the same time, many political gatekeepers have come to realize that motorized individual traffic in cities is reaching its limits. Regulations mostly affect the automotive industry, which is why old and new, technology-oriented suppliers are struggling to occupy the niches in the mobility market.