Market research: the importance of accompanying consulting is growing


Data, whether already available or newly acquired through market research, has long been regarded as the new gold in and for companies. However, data must be turned into usable knowledge that can be put to use in the organisation - among other things, to provide a long-term basis for decision-making and recommendations for action.

Accordingly, the importance of accompanying consulting is growing, for example in market research projects. This has proven to be a decisive factor for corporate success: whether for products, services or to improve internal and external communication. The Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung (GIM) offers a range of expertise in this area, including its own consultancy unit GIM consult.

Among other things, our work focusses on the following across all industries:

  • The complexity of data: With the increasing volume and complexity of data, companies need expertise in order to use it effectively. Accompanying consulting offers not only insight into the data, but also strategic guidance.
  • Fast-moving markets: In a fast-moving business world, supportive consulting enables organisations to remain agile and respond to market changes in a timely manner.
  • Clear customer-centred approach: Today's economy is increasingly customer-centric. Through accompanying consulting, companies can gain deeper insights into customer needs and adapt their strategies accordingly.
  • Technological developments: New technologies are changing the way in which data is collected and analysed. Accompanying consulting helps companies to keep pace with these technological developments. Understanding and utilising them in a needs-oriented way and communicating and anchoring their added value correctly internally.
  • Risk management: In an environment where wrong decisions can often be costly, accompanying consulting is also an important risk buffer by constructively promoting data-supported decision-making.

As a customer insights consultancy, GIM consult supports companies and other organisations throughout the process.

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